DANONE AQUA employees visit the Ciputra Artpreneur Museum

DANONE AQUA employees visit the Ciputra Artpreneur Museum

Jakarta, December 14, 2018 - A total of 25 employees from Danone AQUA visited the Ciputra Artpreneur Museum on Friday (12/14). The visit is a routine program held organised by the Danone AQUA Finance division every 3 three months. This time they chose an 'out of the box' activity which is to hone creativity, with an orientation to sharpen the right side of the brain through art activities.

To fulfill this expectation, the Ciputra Artpreneur team packed an activity that can provide education about Indonesian art through a tour of the Museum and a Collage workshop.

The employees were invited to tour the Museum to get to know the works of Hendra Gunawan and his life journey. They also witnessed the Hendra Gunawan hologram that told of Hendra Gunawan's life while in prison. This hologram is one of the attractions that should not be missed when visiting the Ciputra Artpreneur Museum.

After touring the Museum, the activity was followed by a collage workshop. This workshop was carried out through combining pieces of pictures from old magazines or newspapers and then attached to a surface.

"The employees were enthusiastic about this activity, especially the collage workshop. Through this workshop, employees could express their creativity. We also became more familiar with each other and revealing unexpected creativity, otherwise we would just be working with numbers and data," said Irfan Gustami, Danone AQUA's Finance Manager.

Photo : Mitra Prasetya


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